Marketing Material
This promotional material has been prepared for Ascent Property Group (“the Company”) solely for marketing and illustration purposes only and is subject to change. Statements, figures, calculations, plans, images and representations are indicative only. Images may include sketches, computer generated images and artists impressions. Changes may be made during the further development or planning stages, or to any dimensions, fittings, finishes, costs and specifications. The information contained in this material is a guide only and does not constitute an offer, representation, inducement, warranty or contract.
None of the information in this material has been independently verified and is subject to updating, expansion and amendment. This material does not purport to contain all information that recipients may require. No obligation is accepted by or on behalf of the Company to provide recipients with any additional information.
Neither the Company, nor any of its directors, employees, agents or advisers makes any express or implied representation or warranty, and no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of them, with respect to any errors or omissions in this material or any other information supplied at any time to or on behalf of the recipient, or with respect to the fairness, adequacy, accuracy or completeness of the information in this material, including without limitation the reasonableness of the projections, forecasts, estimates or any associated assumptions contained herein, or any information otherwise supplied at any time to such recipient. The Company disclaims all and any guarantees, undertakings and warranties, and is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever (including human or computer error, negligent or otherwise, or incidental or consequential loss or damage) arising out of, or in connection with, any use or reliance on the information contained in this material. The recipient must accept sole responsibility associated with the use of the material, irrespective of the purpose for which such use or results are applied. The recipient must make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves in all respects, and further seek independent legal and financial advice in relation to all of the information contained herein. The information contained in this material is no substitute for specialist advice.
The information contained in this material is confidential. It is made available only on the basis that none of the information contained herein may be published, reproduced, copied or disclosed to any person other than the recipient and its professional advisers, nor used for any purpose other than for the purpose specified above, and on the basis that the recipient shall, upon request, promptly return or destroy all material received from the Company (including without limitation this document) and associated documentation, without retaining any copies.